Collecting and effectively transporting the camera image data to the processor-related memory is another important task in image processing.
From the camera to the PC
SVS-Vistek offers a wide range of reliable solutions for cameras with Camera Link or CoaXPress interface. In cooperation with our partner Euresys, SVS-Vistek offers you a coordinated combination of camera and frame grabber. This way we guarantee you the best possible performance for your application. Industrial PCs for image processing with systems from Neousys, SVS-Vistek offers you the industrial standard right down to the last component of image processing - the PC.
Especially for rough environments and high demands designed housings with current Intel processors and Dual GigE as well as USB 3.0 interfaces offer you security in the evaluation of your images. Extensions with PCI or PCIe plug-in cards for Camera Link or CoaXPress interfaces are also possible. A lot of know-how for your image processing system.
Unsere Marken und Partner
Der belgische Hersteller von Bilderfassungskarten überzeugt mit einem großen Angebot und stetigen Produktinnovationen. Diese PCI Express-Karten bilden ein eingespieltes Team mit den Camera Link Kameras ( EVO- und HR-Serien) der SVS-VISTEK GmbH.
Product Overview
- Coaxlink series
- Grablink series
- Domino series
- Picolo series
- *NEU* Camport series
- Open eVision
Datasheets Coaxlink Series
Datasheets Grablink Series
Datasheets Domino Series
Datasheets Picolo Series
Datesheets Picolo HD Series
Product range at SVS-Vistek
Our product range is specially designed for image acquisition with our camera series. Frame grabbers for Camera Link Base, Medium and Full interfaces, GigE Vision, CoaXPress, HDMI, DVI, SDI and analog interfaces.
CXP grabber: Coaxlink with up to 25 Gigabit/s
CL-Grabber: Grablink with 80 bit and extra cable length with onboard processing, PoE , POCL, video capture and H.264 compression
Industrial PCs: Robust, reliable, powerful With USB3 Vision, Dual GigE and up to four PCI or PCIe slots
The advantages of frame grabber systems
In contrast to GigE Vision or USB 3.0, systems with Camera Link or CoaXPress interfaces require an additional PCI or PCIe card grabber to take full advantage of their benefits. The extensive elimination of headers, redundant bits and bytes, and the lack of a data resend enable the two standards to achieve high net transfer rates. Thus, Camera Link and CoaXPress are less interleaved with transport layers and layers than other image processing standards. However, this necessitates a larger hardware-side implementation. Camera Link distributes its image data among up to 80 bits arriving in parallel at the grabber per clock, which must be reassembled by the grabber to form an image. With CoaXPress, highly modulated and high-frequency signals have to be retransformed. Talk to us also about Dual GigE Vision 10 Base Ethernet cards that help you to increase the reliability and throughput of your GigE Vision system.