Processing at the Edge EoSens® Creation

Programmable High-Speed camera

The EoSens® Creation is a user-programmable high-speed camera with an open platform concept. It enables users to process image data in real time at up to 40 Gbps directly in the camera, which is a factor of up to 100 compared to normal smart cams. About 70% of the FPGA is available for custom applications. Thus, with custom applications, it can process raw images already in the camera and output the final results or stream images like a machine vision camera. The internal processing removes the bandwidth limitation of the interface.


The programming of the camera-internal FPGA requires appropriate FPGA and image processing knowledge. To support our customers in projects, SVS-Vsitek cooperates with various partners in different regions, who can implement application-oriented programming according to customer requirements, if necessary. Please contact us for more information!