Slow motion recording for process analysis and quality assurance
Due to the increasing degree of automation and the use of industrial robots, the task of humans in production has shifted to administration, planning, control, maintenance and service.
In order to fulfill these tasks, humans are also dependent on the use of highly precise and reliable analysis tools, e.g. in robots. Machine vision systems are used to be able to guarantee precise workflows and consistently high quality as production speeds increase.
Robots already have their place in industrial production. The brand MIKROTRON offers state-of-the-art cameras with outstanding image quality, high speeds and maximum light sensitivity, the robust, compact High-Speed cameras are ideal for automation and robotics applications. They reliably deliver meaningful images even in extreme situations (such as lack of space, difficult lighting conditions, varying temperatures, vibrations and shock).
For applications requiring long recording times, the use of a MIKROTRON long-term recording system is recommended. With continuous process monitoring, images are stored directly to a ring buffer hard disk system in real time. This eliminates the interruptions normally caused by the time-consuming process of reading out the data from the camera. In this way, longer processes or complete test series and unexpected or very quickly successive individual events in robotics and automation (robot) processes can be fully recorded.